Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Today i was sitting on my front porch in the dark looking at the stars, CLEAR SKY and i look to my far right and see a super bright light, brighter than the stars and it didn't have helicopter like qualities, no wings on it just a silent light and it started out moving straight forward then at a sideways angle (or moving right) but it was only one light so you would be able to tell if it was a turning plane but this was not, and i have been watching these 2 helicopters with red lights circling my whole area in like a square formation for over 2hrs and one of them are super sky high in the air and one is lower, and it can't be a satellite because it was moving to slow, it lasted for about 3 or 5mins then i came in the house to get my camera sense it was moving so slow then i came back out and it vanished (i know it sounds weird) but i was looking right at it when i put my camera up to take the picture and nothing and it started around 9pm now it is 10:30pm now (Chicago).

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