Monday, July 18, 2011

Neighbor car robbery?

Well im a little worried heres what happened:Well I have those neighbors (They are really nice) The owner is Named russel and idk the name of his wife.He has 3 kids for all I know they are all grownups.One of his sons Moved away somewhere with his afro girlfriend.Btw they are white just saying.Anyway his other son lives with him and he has this daughter that has her own house but she visits his house once in a while.Okay they have 2 dogs One has a tumor in his leg so it makes him look really big.I feel sorry for him.The dogs name is gizmo.He is really nice and old.Anyway they have this other really crazy dog the dog they use to advertise target.Omg she is super crazy she almost knocked me down.bTW Im 12.Okay so these 3 teenage lookin boys (not to be racist but their black just being descriptive) yeah they broke our neighbors daughters window of her car and stole he dang purse.They are gay jk but they stole the stuff in her purse.And Well our neighbors told the police and they took footprints of the car.Idk what they did now They could atleast track those mofos down and kill them jk.Anyways a few days later my neighbors wife so these 3 guys and she asked them where do you live.? (I think they were the people that stole the purse) they said at the deadend I think their lying because whos stupid enuff to tell someone their adress escpially when they stole that persons daughters purse.Anyways thats all i heard that happened.Im getting scared of this area now because I always see these people walking up and down our street and now im thinking they are bad guys which i prefer they are and all of them are black.!!! not tobe racist.Yeah now im scared of living here.But i think they backed off after my neighbors wife asked where they live because now they probaly know they told the police so i hope they decide to back off.Anyways my dad says they dont rob houses becuz they are scared now and I hope that hes right.Anything to make sure those stupid nvm im not gonna cuss anything to keep me and my fam safe from them.My mom has an alarm on her car and anyways theres nothing to steal but sometimes my mom keeps her purse in there so im gonna tell her not to anymore.And good thing i know that becuz sometimes i leave my ipad,phone,etc in my moms car guess what im not gonna anymore and right now im adding a password on my ipad if those stupid ppl deicde to still it and i will never tell them my password ever never.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… helpful anwsers plz thank you sorry this is to long

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